Update below.

Some subscribers here on Patreon have been calling other subscribers “racist” instead of actually engaging with what they are saying. 

Anyone does that again, I’m going to ban you — simple as that. 

The subscriber who called another user — as well as called me — a racist in the comments section of a couple of my recent posts has until the end of today to delete those smears. If not, I’ll delete them myself — and then ban him.

I do not have time for resentful woke bullshit.


Update 2021.04.04 @ 2:52pm EST: I blocked Jared Fontaine, and issued him a refund for the month of April. 

He was the individual who had been causing all sorts of issues lately, calling me and others racist in the comments, using racial epithets for no reason other than to provoke, etc. I suspect he wanted more attention than he was being given, and so he lashed out at me and others here. I gave him the opportunity to quit his obnoxious behavior, but he doubled down. In a private DM to me, rather than address his behavior, he went off and claimed that The Bell Curve is a racist book, and then implied that anyone who didn't see that was also a racist. That was completely besides the point—he was not addressing the fact that he had called me and others racist, and was generally behaving like a spoiled brat.

So I banned him and refunded his money. However, I've decided to leave all his comments and replies to other people, so that anyone can see what he was saying. 

I don't do this lightly, but I certainly will not hesitate if it must be done. As I have said repeatedly, I don't mind if someone disagrees with me—because I want people who follow my content to think for themselves. If you agree with me, great. But if you disagree with me, that's great too—so long as you have solid arguments and thought-out defenses for your position. 

Calling people “racist” is not a solid argument—it's a personal attack, and I won't stand for it. 

If you disagree with my response, feel free to comment below and tell me why.